Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Arrival of Wynter

It has been an exciting and busy two weeks. On Monday, February 27, while I was out doing some craft supply shopping with a friend and my sister in law, I got a text from my daughter in law that the doctor wanted to induce labor that evening. Since her mother couldn't be with her, and I was honored to be invited to be in the delivery room with her. So about six in the evening I was off to the hospital to be with her and my son as they prepared for the birth of our newest grandchild. It's been along time since I stayed up all night but it was well worth it. At 6:42 on Tuesday morning Wynter Iona Ray Brandt made her entrance into the world. We think she is just beautiful!

I was able to go home around noon time on Tuesday and catch a little bit of sleep before going back to the hospital to pick up her big brother who had been with her aunt. But since Auntie had to work the next day, he was going to spend the night with us. 

He was so excited to meet his little sister and to see Mommy and Daddy again.

He stayed with us two nights since Mommy and Wynter and I took him home after they arrived at home on Thursday. He helped me make brownies for their dinner. And then he crawled up on my sofa and fell asleep. Being a big brother is hard work.

Friday was a busy day of catching up on housework and getting ready for the weekend. Unfortunately I woke up on Saturday with the onslaught of a cold so the next several days were spent resting and recuperating (and staying away from the baby and her family).

Babies are a miracle and such a wonderful blessing from God.