Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Being Nana

Wow!  I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since I blogged.  I'm not sure what happened but time has really slipped away.  I really intended to write a new post at least once a week, preferably twice.  Guess I will have to work on that.

The last several weeks have obviously been busy. Or else my mind was just on too many other things.  Since my last post our family celebrated my oldest sister's 80th birthday with a lunch at Family Cupboard in Lewisburg near her home.  I spent several days making cards either with friends or by myself. But most of all we took care of our youngest grandson for a week (well actually a total of 9 nights due to travel times, etc.) while his parents enjoyed a delayed 10th anniversary trip in Mexico.

Here he is the first day playing with Mr. Potato Head,

He went to Head Start in the mornings, so while he was at school the second day, I found our marble roller and put it out for him. He had so much fun with it.  I think he spent most of the afternoon and evening that first day playing with that toy.  It was fun to see him experiment with the marbles and watch them roll down the track.

Friday afternoon, I also had his cousin Zoë here while her mommy worked. 
The two of them played with the marble roller for a while again. It was reminiscent of his daddy and her mommy playing with the same toy some 30 years ago, even down to the noise and "fighting."

Xayden also enjoyed putting puzzles together and was quite good at it.

A week is a long time for a 3 year old (he'll be 4 in August) to be without his mommy and daddy. By midway through the week he was asking for mommy and daddy on a regular basis!

The day after they returned and he went back home he "graduated" from Head Start - at least for this year. Here he poses with Daddy. I love this picture.

1 comment:

Jean said...

How cool that you still have that marble roller! I think the only toy we have that belonged to our children is the big container of Legos. They do get a lot of use.

A week is indeed a long time for a child that young! I stayed with Sophie for a week when she was 5, and it was not easy for her. We facetimed every day and did lots of special things. Of course with Destiny it was different, since she lived with us at that age and was used to being away from her parents.