It's Sunday morning and I am at home. No, I am not sick, nor is anyone in my family. I decided this morning that I really need some quiet time for reflection and being alone with myself and God more than I needed to be in church. The last several weeks have been busy with my mother in law's care, my normal work schedule, Bible study groups, a conference, etc. I have been on the go almost constantly.
Seems like there was just no time to sit and reflect - unless you count the late nights after I get home. But by then, I am usually too tired to enjoy the time or just reflect. At that time of the evening I just want to crash and relax. So this morning I have decided to just to spend time alone - just me and God. Away from people and with no expectations. And what a joy it has been.
It has taken me many years to get to this point. After all, I grew up with the expectation that a good Christian needed to be in church on a Sunday morning. That is unless you were sick or caring for a sick child or some other major calamity had taken place in your life. Even on vacation you found a church to visit (I got over that one a long time ago!) But Sunday was sacred; one needed to be in church.
Now I am a big fan of Christians gathering together for the purpose of worship and I firmly believe that I need to be a regular attendee at my place of worship. I also realize how easy it would be to find good reasons for not being there. But I have also learned that God is more concerned about me and my relationship with him than whether or not I am sitting in the church building on Sunday morning. How many of us sit in the church building, but aren't really in "church" anyway? So I gave myself permission to just stay at home this morning and worship in my own way. And I find that I am renewed and refreshed and ready to move on into the rest of the day and the new week. And unless something major occurs, I'll be back in my place of worship next week.